La Alberca, Spain: Volunteer Vacation
Top of the mountain
April 12th, 2012
Today marks the first day of the Pueblo Ingles Program. I was one of twelve volunteers, who were bused out to La Alberca from downtown Madrid, to stay at the Hotel Dona Teresa. I was fascinated by the pieces of medieval history I saw throughout the countryside, remnants of massive buildings, constructed by hard working peasants for the profit and power of those chosen to rule by “divine appointment.”
Pueblo Ingles translates to “English Village.” This program provides an opportunity for locals to improve their English in an emersion environment. The organization has been in operation since July of 2001, and over 12,000 volunteers from around the world have gifted their time, receiving in return the invaluable gift of life experience, something everyone searches for. The organization pays for the volunteer’s accommodations and food during the course, only asking for the volunteer’s time and energy in return. There are programs designed for children, teens, and adults. This specific program teaches 24 primary school teachers (23 of whom were women), all eager to improve their language skills.
The hotel is very quaint. Signing up for this volunteer experience with no expectations, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the people involved, including volunteers Bill, Angela, and Robin from the USA, Viraj from India, Sarah from Australia, Carole from Mexico, Philip from Nottingham (where Robin Hood hung out with his Merry Men), and Toni, Jackie, Emma, and Colin, all from the UK.
The entrance to La Alberca. There were crosses throughout the village and the story was they were put up in the 17th century to help ward off evil spirits.
The first teaching session required us to explain a phrasal verb and an idiom to the teachers. A what and a who now? I am going to learn a lot more than I thought.
Sunrise view from my hotel room balcony.
Friday April 13, 2012
I was informed that Tuesday the 13th is the traditional ominous day in Spain, so my mind was free from unnecessary worry of Friday the 13th. I’ve now realized that the language camp I stumbled upon by searching “volunteer in Europe” has led me to the most productive vacation of my life.
Each meal time was full of stimulating conversation. The only requirements were that each table had an equal amount of English and Spanish people.
The food is very traditional Spanish, with ham as an option for every meal, as promised. The Spanish women give me questioning looks when I opt for salad while they’re enjoying the famous La Alberca meat.
My first one-on-one conversation.
Our day starts with breakfast at 9:00 a.m., followed by one-on-one conversations starting at 10:00 a.m., which change every hour until lunch at 14:00. The topics entail everything from health to philosophy to politics and, of course, life stories. Telling my story several times a day feels like I’m practicing a backwards version of Vipassana meditation: outside in. I need to keep the balance.
It felt like a time warp walking down these narrow streets.
Our afternoon allowed a break, so we ventured into a town with buildings bearing inscriptions dating back to 1794. Except for the few tourist shops, the village seemed like a gem of history locked in time. The villagers were friendly and had a content look in their eyes.
I loved the Spanish treats. The candied almonds were definitely my favorite.
Our evening session commenced with group activity at 17:00. 18:00 to 20:00 entailed two more one-on-ones. 20:00 gave us one hour of theater before dinner at 21:00. Acting is a great way to escape my comfort zone and remember that fear is the biggest obstacle to my goals in life.
In this scene I was the undercover cop providing back up to my colleague, who pulled over this car full of drunk women. Improv acting motivates the use of imagination.
These skits created a great way for everyone to bond over laughter.
On my first night I was treated to an interesting conversation with a Spanish woman. Married to an Italian ambassador, her life has led her all throughout Europe; she had stories from Switzerland, Estonia, Spain, and Greece. It was one of those rare conversations that left me entranced by every word as I patiently waited for the plot of her life story to evolve. Digesting verbal information was much easier than the Spanish food, which featured bacon wrapped chicken.
The night concluded with a few rounds of Taboo, a game that requires you to give a word for your teammates to shout out; the twist is that you cannot say any of the other five most related words on the card or use any kind of physical action. Observing people during these “friendly” competitions offers a rare side of their personality, exposing truly competitive ego, anxiety, embarrassment, and most people exposing their pattern of thought by thinking out loud. I’m glad I’m not the only one whose thoughts crisscross.
The last night of the course the group divides by nationality to sing their anthem. In this picture is the entire Spanish group of teachers passionately singing.
April 15th, 2012
The program concluded today. Contagious waterworks took off around the room, making it a difficult good-bye. The farewell ceremony was nice, as it recognized the efforts of everyone. Should only one idea stick with me from this course, it will be to acknowledge people’s efforts regularly. Unfortunately, kind words about a person’s efforts and achievements are often not acknowledged until he or she requires a eulogy. There needs to be shift in our thinking that makes us recognize people in the here and now! This type of gift is free, and it lasts a lifetime, spreading positive vibrations that carry on throughout the person.
Philip from Nottingham was sharing his techniques for training dogs during one of the group sessions. I will never forget how sincere he was when he described his technique and emphasized that love is the basis of his methods.
It’s never easy to wave good-bye to a bus full of new friends; hopefully our paths will cross again.
April 16th, 2012
The surrounding area was full of paths winding through the forest.
The first of two four-day courses is over and I now had almost four days to entertain myself in La Alberca and its surrounding area. Since I have spent the majority of my time indoors, it was exciting to see the sunshine illuminating the land as I prepared to explore. After breakfast and good conversation with a young couple from Majorca, I packed my backpack and headed off to explore the village.
This pig was just outside the town church. The legend was that if you touched the pigs balls you would become pregnant within a year. Its amazing how superstitions are passed down from generation no matter how hard they clash with common sense. I am definitely skeptical about this one.
No map, no agenda, no guide; just my intuition and a feeling of freedom. I walked around the village, but quickly became intrigued by a trail leading into the wise trees. Soon the path diverged into a fork with one that winds its way up to a mountain peak and the other continued along the flat ground.
This vantage point entertained me for hours.
I could not resist the chance to experience a new sense of reality from such an incredible vantage point. I was casting a small shadow, so I had plenty of time to hike while contemplating the phrase “Not all those who wander are lost”. Halfway up, my brain reminded me to take extra attention—solo hiking was unleashing my survival instincts. No cell phone coverage here.
The mountain on the left had a Buddhist monastery at the peak
The hike was challenging, but no worthy goal is reached without difficulty, so I ignored the lazy and fearful voice that cut in on occasion and continued on, one step at a time, but still pausing to enjoy the landscape unfurling before my eyes. When I finally reached the peak, a surge of energy jolted through my being, awakening to my surroundings. I was at my destination; a brief moment of unity, devoid of ego, where I could recognize the oneness of our earth, warmed by the sun to provide energy to sustain all life.
The trek lasted five hours; after being relatively stagnant, my body was thankful to be of use again. What a reward to fall into bed, having earned my sleep through productive physical and mental exercise.
April 16th, 2012
The New Cathedral in Salamanca. Constructed from the 16th to the 18th century.
The wakeup call shook me out of my dream at 6 a.m. I had breakfast with the other four volunteers who stayed for the next course. We just made it on time to the bus waiting to take us to Salamanca. Salamanca is famous for its university; established in 1218, it is the oldest institution in Spain and the third oldest in the Western world.
Walking into the area of the old town housing the academic center and the cathedrals, I sensed a friendly atmosphere that reminded me of being on the beautiful U of S campus. There is something positive and motivating about being around people dedicating their energy to the expansion of their knowledge. The school has over 30,000 students and attracts a lot of international scholars, making it a very multicultural center.
The ornate cathedrals dominate the silhouette of the city and are a major reason Salamanca was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. Marveling at these architectural feats accomplished hundreds of years ago makes me yearn for the ancient wisdom that produced these buildings without the aid of modern technology.
Hanging out with Toni in the Plaza Mayor.
The Plaza Mayor offered a comfortable environment to enjoy a chocolate gelato, people watch, learning how to truly enjoy life thanks to the university students, who wished for nothing more than another 10 minutes in the sun before returning to class.
Plaza Mayor Salamanca
Returning to my temporary home, we passed the breeding grounds of the bulls used in sadistic and controversial fights.
April 18th, 2012
When the weather was nice we were able to walk around La Alberca during our one-on-one sessions.
A day filled with leisure reading and skateboarding. Contemplating the ideas discussed in The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene occasionally pushed my mind out of its comfort zone, creating a sensation similar to how I feel when flying down a concrete hill on my skateboard. No wonder people who ponder an infinite concept from a finite intellect so often go crazy. “The real mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced.” -J.J. Van der Leeuw
During one of the group sessions a Spanish teacher demonstrated her Judo skills on one of the co-ordinators of the Pueblo Ingles program.
Supper at the hotel turned into a slugfest when American politics were brought up. A very sensitive topic that can divide the most easygoing people, such as Bill, the entertaining and outspoken gentleman from South Carolina, who was a US Vietnam Veteran, and Philip the kind man from Nottingham. I watched tension climax as Bill argued, explaining the American justifications for War. I am happy that a new group of Spanish teachers will be here tomorrow to ease the topics of conversation.
April 21st, 2012
Secondary Spanish teachers attended the second program. This new group was full of interesting educators that specialized in topics ranging from physical education to chemistry. I was inspired by every one-on-one conversation, observing how passionate each individual was about sharing his or her knowledge with the next generation of Spanish youth. It gave me an opportunity to remember how important teachers have been in my life, despite my inability to recognize it at the time.
The second group of Spanish teachers singing their national anthem during the closing night of the program.
It was shocking at times to discover how real and trusting people can become in a conversation of only 50 minutes. Sometimes it seems easier to expose our thoughts and worries to a complete stranger. It is cathartic to share personal or even bizarre thoughts with another person without fear of judgment. This course provided me with some of the best learning experiences I can bring to my future career. Conversation is an art that requires constant attention to detail, allowing it to flow with a natural rhythm grown from mutual interest and meaning. Developing a trusting doctor-patient relationship is a fundamental component to healing.
My last day in Spain I met up with a few of the other teachers from the program to walk around Madrid before we all separated to continue on our individual journeys.
The other Anglos in the program were all incredible. Carole, who exuded a positive aura, brought my attention to new and insightful spiritual teachers, like Dr. Michael Beckwith; Bill, from South Carolina, spoke with a rare sense of conviction, constantly entertaining the group even as he tested everyone’s patience, often making me ask, “Did he actually just say that?”; Toni expressed her kind essence and reminded me that you can make positive changes in your career; Ayko, the Japanese woman, had spitfire energy, a bright smile and a radiant sense of joy that entertained the entire group, and Philip was the most sincere and interesting person with whom I’ve conversed. His ‘retirement’ gave him time to foster his passions of running a radio show and training dogs only with “love”. We will all grow older, but we do not have to grow up.
Ayko in the centre was the most entertaining actress in the group.
I was privileged to share my understanding of meditation with the group during one of the group sessions at 17:00. After our brief session, it was rewarding to see so many people enjoying the reprieve of noise, finding pleasure in the soothing silence. I was surprised at the number of individuals interested to learn more about these practices that provide balance to the hectic schedules of modern life, which condemns the concept of ‘doing nothing.’ When one of the teachers from Spain asked me how long it took me to become “good” at mediating, I explained how trying to become “good” at mediating was one of my greatest obstacles to progressing in the practice of mindfulness. I explained that meditation to me is practice and there is no good or bad meditation, as long as I maintain the intention to create a more peaceful way of being. I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know this unique country through such authentic eyes. I would recommend volunteering in this program to anyone looking for a rewarding travel experience!
One of the improv skits where Santa was put on the spot with a few awkward requests.
The second course came to it’s conclusion and again there was a heartfelt goodbye to my new Spanish friends as they made they way back to Asturias. I climbed onto the bus as it made its way back to Madrid. I sat beside Ayko and she entertained me with her life story. She was born in Japan and had been teaching English in the USA for the last 6 months but her Visa was about to expire and her plan to move somewhere in South America to continue teaching English. I am always fascinated with people who are willing to take risks to keep life interesting by starting a whole new chapter.
The American volunteers singing their anthem the last night of the second program.
“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child — our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” -Thich Nhat Hanh:
April 24th, 2012
I had 24 hours in Madrid before I needed to catch my next flight back to England. After a day full of exploring, art museums, the rivers banks, and the largest outdoor park I crashed back at the hostel. When I woke up I rushed out of bed at 5 a.m., had a quick shower, stretched, breathed, prayed, caught a taxi, and waited in a queue, only to be informed that my flight was delayed by six hours. Really? Oh well, it is what it is. A few more hours and I will be reunited with my dad and brother in London to start a two-week adventure.
Casa de Campo, the largest urban park in Madrid that was formerly a Royal hunting ground.
Parque de Atracciones in Madrid . The amusement park is located in the Casa de Campo.